The After Disaster
Happy holidays!
Merry Christmas!
Festive non-denominational winter-time seasonal tidings to you and yours!
It's our last show of 2018 and we're ending like we started: terribly.
Direct download: AD_12_23_2018_FINAL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:21pm PDT

Anderson had a run-in with an Australian man, TyTy has some unwanted updates on the International Space Station and Mike Carano has had his life changed by Trader Joe's.

Direct download: AfterDisaster_2018_12_18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30pm PDT

We don't know how old Chinese babies are. Anderson's doctor doesn't know why Anderson gets physicals. Mike doesn't know how to eat. But we do know it's all about perspective.

Direct download: AD_467__Perspective.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:36pm PDT

On a much drier-eyed AD, we discuss cloning, bank robberies, and mosquitoes plus film festival rejection notices.

Direct download: AfterDisaster_2018_11_28.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:41pm PDT

It's the end of an era.

Direct download: AfterDisaster_2018_11_20_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:36pm PDT

California is ablaze and we're pretty sure we had nothing to do with it.

Direct download: AfterDisaster_2018_10_15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:56am PDT

Mike thinks he knows how to commit the perfect crime, Tyler went viral, and Anderson got a crash course in how to actually sell a movie.

Direct download: AfterDisaster_2018_11_07.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:46pm PDT

Mike had a weird massage experience, Tyler went to a 18-inning World Series game, Mike and Anderson had a lovely time at a wedding, and Tyler's family is nearly evacuated mid-show for a bomb threat. Fun!
Direct download: AfterDisaster_2018_10_29.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:16pm PDT

Anderson is back from the East Coast, Mike makes amends, and TyTy makes a big purchase.

Direct download: AfterDisaster_2018_10_25.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm PDT

(Shoutout to the special intro by Mike)

Mike and Tyler spend a delightful fall afternoon at The Grove chatting about junkyards, Gene Simmons, auto body repair dilemmas and what to do with extra concert tickets. Plus Anderson calls in just before his plane departs for Guatemala.

Or Chile.

Or Boston.

Or Northern California.

We're not really sure.

Direct download: AfterDisaster_2018_10_17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:18pm PDT

Mike saw a rocket, Anderson pet some sad animals, Tyler ended up at a Nirvana show and we try to figure out when it's okay to start digging up celebrities.

Direct download: AD_10_9.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:26am PDT

*David Attenborough Voice*

"In the rich urban jungle of Southern California, three Caucasian Pabs have a boisterous discussion on a variety of topics, in an attempt to communicate to the outside world. Understanding these animals, has only just begun." (Episode description via Patreon-er Daniel Munoz)

Direct download: AfterDisaster_2018_10_03.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:10am PDT

Mike went to an island by himself, Anderson shares a heart-warming moment with Atticus, Tyler is in love with a new mascot and we play a mysterious audio tape sure to sink Carano's political ambitions.

Direct download: AfterDisaster_2018_09_27.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:22pm PDT

Old cars, mythological beasts, and a text from the President. 
Direct download: AD_9_18_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:26pm PDT

Anderson had a very strange flight, Mike's obsessed with a new corner of YouTube, we dish out a bit of ADvice and get SPICY about an email sent to us by a listener to inform us that he will no longer be listening to our progrum.

Direct download: AfterDisaster_2018_09_13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:25pm PDT

The trio of idiots attended Dr. Drew's 60th birthday party where Anderson was confronted by a figure from his past!

Direct download: AfterDisaster_2018_09_06.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:02am PDT

This week on the AD: HOT mics, Indian weddings, the perils of mid-recess bathroom breaks in grade school, dad secrets, an old-timey murder mystery and more!

Direct download: AfterDisaster_2018_08_29.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:51pm PDT

Anderson has tales from the road, TyTy was invaded by pests and Mike has a wonderful idea to help people visit the world's most famous destinations.

Direct download: AfterDisaster_2018_08_22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:45am PDT

Good luck trying to follow this episode. Mike is all-over-the-place, Anderson is cracked out on caffeine and TyTy is, well, just like he always is.

Direct download: AfterDisaster_2018_08_14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:04am PDT

What do Bo Jackson, Peppa Pig and Gary Coleman have in common?

Anderson is sick so we get together on Skype to discuss a curious trend in Beauty's neighborhood, Peppa Pig, old commercials and Mike's favorite child (?) actor.


Direct download: AfterDisaster_2018_08_08.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:37pm PDT

Due to a hectic week, the boys meet up for lunch to bitch about traffic, scheme about starting a real estate empire and... ask some teens what grade they're in for... reasons

Direct download: AfterDisaster_2018_08_02.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm PDT

Buckle up for 104 minutes of ignorance and the return of Sex Man.

Direct download: 7BswjdKp4Z4qkn8-1Aw8WfQAwKW3S9ZVzDY6qCUtoulPYj9b-4md-myinS6zWS4x.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:31pm PDT

Anderson had some misadventures in Chicago, Mike met some tortoises, and we all *try* to be woke.

Direct download: AfterDisaster_2018_07_18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:07pm PDT

The guys return once more to Anderson's backyard to soak up the sun and spend way too long discussing samples before getting to the bottom of an unfinished story that's been bothering a listener for YEARS.

Direct download: AfterDisaster_2018_07_12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:37pm PDT

The guys have gathered for an AD cookout to discuss Mike's recent vision quest and Anderson's big invention.

Direct download: 0lzH04yT1K0dd0RGXuWtFBP7GJP5cNRr4dFV_GMZuzMSWpyVqTAm3LNF5-GNktyF.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:16am PDT

Your favorite three idiots are back together and mailing it in like only they can. TyTy is an international drug smuggler and renowned roller skater, Anderson is marching and Mike got meal-shamed.

Direct download: AfterDisaster_2018_06_28.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00pm PDT

Tyler is in England with Cher, Anderson and Mike are in the backyard chering a conversation. 

Direct download: AD_442.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:01pm PDT

Direct download: AD_441.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 6:01pm PDT

We went to the Groupers premiere and, predictably, there were some hiccups!

Direct download: q5RmzIp0LsD-FVufZWZtre-o57bWFSaADKHucrFRbzxsAAKO6AmbRfNYzYSx0sSA.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:02pm PDT

With TyTy out due to a death in the family, Mike and Anderson talk about Memorial Day, Twitter, trips to chicago, Groupers, and other stuff. 

That's just the stuff I found by randomly clicking around the episode timeline.

Direct download: AfterDisater_2018_05_30.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:04pm PDT

Buckle up for some hot shirt talk.

Fair warning: There's no TyTy for the first 27 minutes, so you should probably just skip that whole chunk. Or, only listen to the first 27 minutes. Whatever floats your boat.

Direct download: ciurvlTMUK6vMBrhonheNmzV5gs96Rdq0jVrky2Ofob9O_giGrPDH8C-6ET7tsad.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:16am PDT

This is such a dumb episode title.

Anderson's under the gun to finish his film, had an altercation with a parking cop and we all watched a disturbing new documentary.

Direct download: AfterDisaster_2018_05_18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:39am PDT

Scam calls, waiting in lines, Mike's gonna work at In-N-Out and Tyler was wrong about a place he thought was a weed shop...

Direct download: wacE8UO6dQyPgJkHSC6A02Xm0PW77HNQFScnhKBIExRXPMp2mQrxbRMqZ9zhdSfs.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:50am PDT

Exploding insects, bathroom pranks and Mike's thinking about leaving California???
Direct download: AfterDisaster_2018_05_02.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:54am PDT

Mike can't see, Anderson was in a biker gang, Tyler blew his writing career and Elvis can't stop kissing people.

Direct download: ckUZyWnsTKhz9G55tL9nqHeOxbskS6SYhuYUfjggrgU5drWH8oqDwqswcsgOjdpO.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:54am PDT

Mike saved a damsel in distress (kinda) and Anderson reminisces about an awkward, embarrassing prom experience.

Direct download: eAH3yqawcxUFEHEO1-_1zBgfgmQNvubeoxB5V_0QWzZD9updsnEdRk4s_4_0JxVt.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:13am PDT

Hi friends!
This week's show is more of a of a weird little wrap-up.
We caught up with Mike, Dr. Drew and Paul Ollinger at the Hollywood Improv after their "A Dumb Guy, A Doctor and A Rich Guy" show all about money and finances. I think Mike will be posting that soon on his feed.
The wrap-up concludes around 17:20 mark and then, for those who haven't heard it, we've attached our Easter Island bonus episode. That kicks off at 18 mins. 
If you'd like to hear our other Bonus Ignorance/AD Investigates episodes on topics like Fabrege Eggs, Trailer Parks, Cyber Goths, Hells Angels then we'd invite you to become a $5+ patron @ where you can listen to past Bonus Ignorances and get all future ones. We usually try to do like 2 a month.
Direct download: AD_Recap__Easter_Island.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:51pm PDT

Mudslides, a real live earthquake, trench jackin' and so much more. 
Direct download: u4u20u-rVh2CHL1ukLlWr6tSy7soicHseXJYsdVHO_5pIGYZEg-Df3A3dH3xwNpD.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:03am PDT

Anderson and Mike have never heard a VERY common phrase, a bad thing happened in a cemetary and Mike might be stuck in a simulation.

Direct download: t2YBfbkqObzRm0v3Q3sBD0tr3mvbyu6r_2p2tYnvUSWnwVY0ExmJiZn5HZdJvA3t.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:42am PDT

Anderson and Mike have never heard a VERY common phrase, a bad thing happened in a cemetary and Mike might be stuck in a simulation.

Direct download: t2YBfbkqObzRm0v3Q3sBD0tr3mvbyu6r_2p2tYnvUSWnwVY0ExmJiZn5HZdJvA3t.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:42am PDT

Anderson heard the Good News, kinda and Mike wandered into some stranger's homes in the Salton Sea.

Direct download: QChbgzq6qaLb9Tfz-Yj8wbATB_f1ckxEmwl1qEuzElbKVu7KnllarmmDYjRiAk3y.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:57am PDT

We're back at CBS ranting about Toys R Us, big game hunting, pinkeye and who knows what else.
Direct download: 1ajow6161k7YcrS4yNcLL-Szp9jzcoZN8MaSJzzqZIYBiRfKEF3mOzw5dFjwC79B.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:38pm PDT

Coming to you live to tape from a top secret location, the boys talk about meeting their heroes, including an encounter Tyler had this past week with a certain legendary rock singer.

Direct download: ixjoO5yGQmWv4V7XKsNd5AeX-ZrOwkWUsGwOQ3Unx9JawbRZ_7UqvKY7IeGHnZgd.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:14pm PDT

It's Mike's second to last day at the Improv, Anderson has no energy, and Tyler touched a famous hand.

Direct download: cZeGY3XsR-y3IkQ03F50VLTSZt21kGYYvJZFacDpFfWhXTgqkF4xsjIMMu3qRpe2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:15pm PDT

Anderson and Mike are suffering from radiation damage and one of us is changing jobs.

Direct download: AD_426__I_Used_To_Work_Here_Man.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:21pm PDT

It's time the truth was revealed about what they're REALLY doing on submarines.
Direct download: AD_425__The_Navys_Darkest_Secret.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00am PDT

We continue to be idiots and there was a gruesome murder in Tyler's neighborhood! Yay!

Direct download: AD_424__Razing_The_Bar.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am PDT

We're back and more manic than ever with stories about Palm Springs, the wonder of shadows, a fateful doctor visit and one hell of a way to feed birds.


Oh and here's the bird feeding video...

Direct download: AD_423__The_Ultimate_Bird_Feeder.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:05am PDT

Pwow son. Your bois are back together talkin' trash, cash, and ass.
Direct download: AD_422__Makin_Six_Figures.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:08pm PDT

We asked for a letter from jail and we got a letter from jail. And boy is it a doozy.

Direct download: AfterDisaster_2018_01_18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am PDT

Choo choo, here comes the idiot train!
Direct download: AD_420_-_Tragedy_at_Travel_Town.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:31am PDT

We've got moles, weird growths, and an intense debate about what color the "walking man" on crosswalk signs is.

Direct download: AfterDisaster_2018_01_03.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:29am PDT